Feature Articles -
The Fabulous Boogie Kings

By Butch Berman

I probably would have never gotten into "the combo scene" if I hadn't seen the Fabulous Flippers at about age 15 or 16 between '64 and '65 at Lincoln's Keen Time - at the Auld Pavilion in Antelope Park. I thought that the Flips had invented Blue-Eyed Soul. Well, wrong. Thanks to Charlie Burton twice , I discovered the true innovators of this genre , The Fabulous Boogie Kings , Louisiana's R&B legends, while playing with Charlie Burton and Rock Therapy in Minneapolis. While there, I visited their famed record store The Oarfolkjokeopus (The Oar) and found my first Boogie Kings LP , and to excuse the pun , totally flipped.

This year when reforming the old Charlie Burton band for a special holiday gig at the Zoo Bar , he brought me a used copy of their '92 reunion video that he found while living in Austin. Now the search was really on through the net and several changed addresses and phone numbers, I finally located the first, or at least one of the very first leaders (these guys date back to 1956-58 as their origin) of this fine outfit , Mr. Ned Theall.

So with pride, I am running a series from the pen of Mr. Theall on the story of this incredible musician's band , The Fabulous Boogie Kings. Read on and dig it, daddy-o!

Butch Berman 2002

The Fabulous Boogie Kings
Volume 1 (The Early Years)
Volume 2 (Creation of a Legend)
Volume 3 (The Lean Years)
Volume 4 (The Comeback)

Copyright 2002 Ned Theall

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